The Ultimate List of Fun APIs For Your Next Coding Project

The Ultimate List of Fun APIs For Your Next Coding Project

The Ultimate List of Fun APIs For Your Next Coding Project

Last updated on 19 june 2022 by CellSpyAustralia

When we programmers finish our job, the first thing that usually comes to mind is “programming”. We love doing side projects and hackathons outside of work too. It can be hard sometimes though coming up with new ideas on what project you want next!

The’re always more to explore, so why not find out about some cool APIs? I put together a list of fun and creative side projects you can make with your app. There’s no telling what will be next in line for Instagram after all!

What is an API?

API stands for “Application Programming Interface”. An API is a set of rules and specifications that define how software components should interact with each other. APIs allow different software components to talk to each other, which makes it possible for developers to create mashups and integrations. Most major web services and social networks have public APIs that allow anyone to integrate their services with others.

APIs are a way for developers and companies to work together in order achieve goals. For example, Google has an API that allows you request information about maps while Twitter’s makes it possible send tweets programmatically- usually there is documentation on how these things Work!

There are so many APIs out there, it can be hard to decide which ones you should use. But after reading this list of awesome API resources for your next coding project! You’ll have everything from guessing a person’s age based on their name or letting traders trade stocks with ease. Read also about list of best phone tracker apps.

So, without further ado, here are some awesome APIs you can use for your next coding project!

Interesting Data

1. NASA Open APIs

The NASA APIs provide a bunch of exciting features for the public. They have an API called Astronomy Picture of the Day that returns new pictures from space each day, another one to get weather information about Mars and even some specific data on its atmosphere derived via satellite imagery – all without leaving your computer and an API just for Mars Rover photos.

Learn more.

2.  SpaceX API

With the help of an API, it’s now possible to access data on Elon Musk’s SpaceX launches. You can get information about what types or missions are upcoming as well as where they’ll land! You can use the SpaceX API to get launch, rocket, core, capsule, Starlink, launchpad, and landing pad data.

Learn more. 

3. REST Countries

The REST Countries API provides information about the world’s countries. You can send a query to get any country’s language, currency and capital—the free service is supported by donations!

Learn more. 

4. Open Weather API

To incorporate weather into your app, try out the Open Weather API. This can provide access for over 200000 cities and also let’s you track historical data on temperatures across time periods!

Learn more. 

5. API

Wondering how to get your hands on finance data? The Polygon has you covered with quotes and information about stocks, historic values as well! They also provide an API that can be used for obtaining cryptocurrency-related info.

Learn more. 

6. Associated Press API

If you want to incorporate the news into your next app? Learn how to incorporate the news into your next app with a free Associated Press API. Their versatile and easy-to use service will let you access any story in real time, no matter when it was published!

Learn more. 


The COVID 19 API gives you access to all kinds of data related with coronavirus. Maybe this can help save lives during the pandemic!

Learn more. 

Fun APIs

8. Agify API

Wanna know how old your name is? All it takes is one request to find out! The Agify API is a fun API that tries to predict your age from your name.  Just include “name” as part of the query and Agify’s algorithm will tell you what its thinking – whether that be accurate or not. ?name=cory

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9. Pokemon API

The Pokemon API is an easy way to get information on any given pokemon. All you need are their name, and the system will return all there details in JSON format! For example, here is how to send a request for Charizard: link

Like the Agify API, you don’t need to register for an API key. You can type that request into your browser as is and get a response.

Learn more. 

10. Kanye Rest API

Kanye Rest is an API that returns new Kanye West quotes every time you visit the https://api.kanye-rest/ endpoint, like “You can’t look at a glass half full or empty if it’s overflowing.” The documentation suggests using this service in order to spice up your Git commit messages The API is free to use. The documentation suggests using it to spice up your Git commit messages, but the sky’s the limit to what you can do with this data.

Learn more.

11. The Bored API

The Bored API is an innovative way to stay entertained! When you send it a request, the app returns something fun for your enjoyment.

Learn more. 

12. Fun Translations API

With the Fun Translations API, you can get access to several different language APIs under one plan. You’ll have access not only Yoda and Pig Latin but also an app that translates Dothraki from Game Of Thrones!

Learn more. 

13. Balldontlie API

The Balldontlie API provides access to NBA-related data, such as list of all teams and players stats. I’m personally big basketball fan so this may end up being one project that gets put on my plate!

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14. Genius API

Genius is a website that makes it possible for anyone to add comments and explanations about the lyrics of songs they love. For example, you can use Genius API data in your application so users know what Instruments are playing on certain verses or choruses!

Learn more. 

New Technology

15. Coinbase Digital Currency API

The recent rise in the value of Bitcoin has sparked renewed interest and many new entrepreneurs are starting cryptocurrency related side projects. One way you can take advantage is by using their API, which allows users access to price data for various coins as well buy them with ease!

Learn more. 

16. QR Tag API

QR Tag’s API makes it easy for you to create your own QR codes, so that they can be used in any project.

Learn more. 

17. Cloud Natural Language API

Google’s Cloud Natural Language API “provides natural language understanding technologies to developers, including sentiment analysis. Developers can use these APIs in their products for things like analyzing customer feedback or automatically determining what keywords should be added when someone enters text into a search box.”

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18. Clarifai API

With the Clarifai API, you can create a wide variety of projects that use machine vision. The out-of-the box capabilities include recognition for over 11000 concepts such as dogs and cats but it’s also possible build more complex models with this technology using deep neural networks!

Learn more. 


19. Eventbrite API

The Eventbright API is an excellent way to find out about different events and their information such as capacity, pricing or even if they’re currently accepting applications. I am a developer advocate so this data has been really helpful for me when trying make my way through the speaking circuit!

Learn more. 

20. Quickchart API

Whatever your side project, adding a few graphs will always make it more interesting. For example, if you are making software to help people with their health goals then including some bar graphs in the interface is perfect for showing trends over time or how many users have been active each day since launch!
It’s easy using our Quickchart API – all that needs done by developers/designers across any platform (even mobile!)

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21. Deck of Cards API

Building card games is a great way to develop your programming skills, especially if you’ve run into trouble coming up with new projects. The Deck of Cards API allows programs access all the cards in one easy call and can be used by beginners as they learn how APIs work!

Learn more. 

22. Website Screenshot API

Website Screenshot API is an easy way to programmatically grab screenshots of any website. There are many potential uses for this, including building fun side projects with it!

Learn more. 

23.Open Library APIs

The Open Library APIs give you access to all of the information about books ever published. You can find an API for book lists and covers as well!

Learn more. 

24. GitHub Jobs API

The jobs API provides you with access to information about all of the open positions on GitHub’s website.

Learn more. 

25. Vonage APIs

The Vonage API has so much to offer! You can use it for text messages, voice calls and more. I just used these APIs in my side project called Songagram where you pick songs from Spotify playlists or artists that are on your phonebook then have them soundtracked by one of those awesomeLY expensive Hollywood scores they keep playing when something big happens during an action movie (or maybe not).

Learn more. 

Final Thoughts

APIs are the lifeblood of any modern application, and it’s hard to go wrong with so many great options. After researching which ones would best suit my needs I came up with an idea for how combine several different APIs into one program that could be used by trading companies like myself! The Cloud Natural Language API seems especially promising–I’m interested in seeing what kind oracles you all come up with.
I’m interested in building something that combines several of them. Perhaps a program that uses the Cloud Natural Language API to analyze the news and trade cryptocurrency based on its sentiment. Or maybe I will use the Eventbrite API to write code to find tech events I might want to speak at and alert me with a text using Vonage’s SMS API when it’s time to submit my proposed speech.

Whether you are excited about the same APIs as I am or are more interested in other APIs on the list, with all of these excellent APIs to choose from,  it is such an exciting time to be a programmer!

Best of luck with your next coding project!


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